Introduction: Project Scope

The following summaries of Ingelix® Case Studies, performed in 2015, provide turnover, retention and hiring data within companies using the patent-pending Ingelix® SmartSystem methodology. The following results represent each group analyzed and how the Ingelix® SmartSystem affected overall corporate staffing trends within key facilities.

Understanding the Savings

The American Health Care Association (AHCA) states that the average direct cost for turnover per employee is $7,000. The following represents significant savings per employer based on the reductions realized.

The following were selected for study:

  • Ohio based long-term care company with 19 facilities. (AlterCare, Inc.)
  • One random Ohio based long-term care company.
  • Ohio based acute-care hospital that houses a long-term care facility. (Alliance Community)
  • Florida based healthcare company to identify trends that may be unique only to Ohio. (Infinity)
  • Ohio based long-term health care support company that sells product and services to long-term care groups statewide. (Absolute HealthCare)

  • Ingelix helps us quickly identify and filter potential employees. By selecting the right person for the job, we are able to decrease turnover.

    —Nicole Russ,MBA, PHR, SHRM-CP, CEBS, GBA, RPA, Director of Colleague Relations, Aultman Hospital in
  • We are dedicated in finding the “right fit” for our organization. With recruitment and retention being a challenge in today’s market, Ingelix gives us the tools to identify potential colleagues quickly.

    —Tracey Restetter,Recruiter/Colleague Relations Specialist, Aultman Hospital in
  • We no longer have to filter and sort through every résumé. With the Ingelix solution, top performers are already identified for us.

    —Diane Geis,Former EVP of Human Resources, Altercare of