- Your own unique set of values and specific knowledge, skills and abilities per position.
- Your preset time requirements for applicant test testing.
- The option to use the Ingelix® “pre-assembled batteries” designed to assess the skills and behaviors associated with the most typical jobs.
- The option to “mix and match” from a comprehensive library of short skills and behavioral tests to create a truly customized solution within the required testing time frame.
- The Ingelix® battery consists of both behavioral and skills based tests.
- The behavioral tests include both attitudinal and behavioral statements. Responses are made on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree. This item format is extremely efficient, allowing applicants to answer a great deal of questions in a very short amount of time.
- The Ingelix® skills tests were also designed to be completed in a short amount of time. The skills tests include brief questions covering various job-relevant skill sets. The answer format is multiple-choice. The tests are concise, focused and valid predictors of performance.
Combining both skills and behavioral testing has been shown to increase validity above and beyond using one or the other.
A test’s level of effectiveness is directly related to its validity (the degree to which the test measures what it is supposed to measure) and its reliability (how consistent the test is at measuring what it is supposed to measure). The Ingelix® scales have undergone significant research across various job categories utilizing several validation strategies. The results of all the research conclude that the tests are valid predictors of critical aspects of job performance. Some of the validation methods used to establish the validity of the Ingelix Human Resource Testing Library (HRTL) are summarized below.
The concurrent, criterion-related validation method requires that the test be administered to current employees. Performance data is then gathered on those employees. If the test were a valid predictor of job performance, one would expect a statistically significant correlation between test scores and the performance data collected. In other words, those employees who score high on the test are the same employees who demonstrate high levels of performance. Those employees who do poorly on the test would likely be those who demonstrate poor performance. The correlations obtained throughout all of the criterion-related validity studies indicate that the Ingelix® test methodology is a valid predictor of job performance.
In addition to the concurrent validation strategy described above, construct validation studies have been performed for many of the Ingelix® scales. This validation strategy attempts to demonstrate the degree to which the instrument in question actually measures the psychological construct it is intended to measure. This approach generally involves administering the test in question along with another well-researched and established instrument that measures the same construct. If the two instruments measure the same construct, one would expect to find a significant correlation between the two. From the construct validation studies reviewed we can conclude that the Ingelix® scales measure the construct they were designed to measure and therefore are construct valid.
An additional strategy utilized to establish the validity of the Ingelix® scales was to compare test scores to anonymous self-reports. Some tests measure behaviors that are not always observable yet could have a serious negative impact to your organization; for example stealing or illegal drug use. The anonymous self-report validation strategy makes it possible to collect past behavior information (e.g., stealing history, illegal drug use frequency) in a non-threatening manner. Test scores are then compared to the self-report ratings to determine the tests ability to identify those counterproductive behaviors. The results of the validation studies using the self-report data collection method offer strong support for the validity of the Ingelix® scales intended to predict counterproductive workplace behaviors.
In addition to the validity studies described above, reliability analyses have been performed for each Ingelix® scale. Reliability refers to the degree to which the scale items are consistent in measuring the skill or construct the scale is intended to measure. These results do, in fact, show that the HRTL scale items are consistent in measuring what they are intended to measure.
As the diagram below shows, you can “mix and match” the individual Ingelix® tests to meet the specific needs of the job. This “custom” approach to building a test battery ensures you are only testing for those skills and behavioral characteristics that are relevant to the job, therefore increasing validity while at the same time reducing test administration time significantly.
To build your custom battery, add as many scales located on the left by hitting the check mark. You can also expand the scale by hitting the plus to show a more detailed description of the chosen scale as well as estimated test time.